Plasmonic Cloaking at a Conducting Sphere

Authors: I. Guadarrama-Lezama, P. Rosendo-Francisco

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 131, pp. 75-78, 2017.

Abstract: Based on full wave Mie scattering theory for the case of an impenetrable/conducting sphere, we propose a technique which employs metamaterials and plasmonic structures to design cloaks. After showing how the total scattering cross section of a given dielectric or conducting object may be drastically reduced by surrounding with a suitable designed plasmonic material or metamaterial, we underline the main inherent limitations of this technique, compared with other metamaterial cloaking methods. The concepts that we present remain valid also when multiple particles are considered and they may be extended to multi-frequency operation, presence of ground planes or reflectors, larger objects and realistic loss and dispersion.

PDF: Plasmonic Cloaking at a Conducting Sphere
PDF: Plasmonic Cloaking at a Conducting Sphere